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The Gaelic Trips Travel platform was built by dedicated members of the European GAA community who noticed a surge in interest from Irish and British GAA teams looking to journey across the Irish Sea to visit their neighbours on the continent in mainland Europe, affectionately known as GGE - Gaelic Games Europe
The Gaelic Trips team believed it was important to protect the interests of both the hosts and travelers!

In straightforward terms, our platform has a twofold mission: to secure the finest deals for our visitors and to ensure that European hosts receive their rightful share of the gains generated by GAA tourism on the continent.

The GTP acknowledges the authority of local clubs and European regions, offering them a stake in the industry by sharing profits with them.

Our platform empowers European clubs to pool their expertise, local connections, and hosting know-how, ensuring that traveling GAA teams can make the most of their weekend getaway without any unnecessary hassle!

The Gaelic Trips Guarantee:
Gaelic Trips Ltd is committed to sharing a percentage of its earnings with the hosting club and/or the governing regional committee overseeing events in a particular area.
This will apply to all products/activities occuring in within the jurisdiction of GGE - Gaelic Games Europe.

All events advertised on theplatfrom must have received permission fron the governing GGE committee. 

Why Gaelic Trips?

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